10 causes for hair loss

Everyone is born with 1 million hair follicles on their head, and about 100,000 of those are specifically on the scalp. As we go from childhood to adulthood and our scalp expands, most people notice their hair thinning as the follicles spread out. It’s typical to lose 50-150 hairs per day, but as we age, our hair starts to become thinner and weaker with every growth cycle. But what causes hair loss? Causes for hair loss can range, and many can be treated.

Reasons for hair loss

Everyone will experience some hair loss as they get older, but there are other causes for hair loss. Some of which you can control.

  1. Genetics. Some factors of hair loss are just beyond our control – and that includes the genes your parents blessed you with.
  2. Medications. You may experience hair loss as a side effect of taking some medications and medical treatments like chemotherapy. Hair loss in these instances is usually temporary.
  3. Hair styling. Gels. Blow-drying. Dying or bleaching. All of these processes affect your hair’s health. Over-styling can lead to weak hair follicles and hair loss.
  4. Hormones. If you’re taking certain medications or birth control, you are affecting your hormones. An imbalance or sudden change can be a factor contributing to changes in your hair.
  5. Pregnancy. Many women lose their hair during pregnancy, and some experience hair loss after they have the baby. The good news, ladies? It’s usually temporary.
  6. Stress. Excessive physical or mental stress isn’t ideal for the body. Starting a new job, moving to a new city, experiencing a physical trauma like a car accident or ending a long-term relationship can trigger a type of hair loss called telogen effluvium.
  7. Diet changes. Switching to a vegetarian or vegan diet can affect your hair. More and more people are making the switch to a plant-based diet and while there are several benefits, a sudden change in diet can lead to hair loss and more shedding.
  8. Weight loss. Being healthy and losing weight is a good thing. But a dramatic weight loss can put stress on your body as it’s undergoing significant changes, and that stress can trigger hair loss or hair thinning.
  9. Iron deficiency. When your body is iron deficient, it can’t produce hemoglobin in your blood – which is vital for the growth and repair of cells in your body. An iron supplement could reverse any side effects, including hair loss.
  10. Vitamin A. Too much of a good thing is the case when it comes to Vitamin A. Excessive doses of Vitamin A aren’t easy for the body to eliminate and can lead to hair loss. Ensure you have a balance of the right vitamins and nutrients your body needs.